Collection: Jade (White)

Natural white jade or Xinjiang Jade, a captivating variety of jade, enchants with its rich history and enduring beauty. Also known as "Hetian Jade", this gemstone holds cultural significance in China. With spiritual significance, White Jade is believed to embody harmony and prosperity, often referred to as the "Stone of Heaven."

Naturally found in the Xinjiang region of China, this jade variety is celebrated for its pure white color and subtle translucency. Xinjiang Jade's elegance and revered qualities make it a cherished choice for both jewellry and ornamental pieces.

As a symbol of purity and wisdom, white Jade continues to captivate with its timeless allure. Its ethereal qualities and sacred symbolism offer wearers a tangible link to the celestial and spiritual realms, inviting them to embrace balance, serenity, and the blessings of good fortune.
Jade (White)